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                    about us

                    Changzhou Shi Shuangai Furniture Co., Ltd., founded in June 1993, is a steel-wood office furniture professional manufacturer for design, development, production and sales. Factory is located in Jiangsu Changzhou, plant area is 40,000 square meters, and the total number of employees is more than 300 people. Company continues to introduce Italy, Germany, Japan imported processing equipment and production lines, always maintains research and development and production capacity in the industry leading level.

                    After more than 20 years of development, our company has become one of the well-known steel-wood office furniture manufacturers, has a wealth of customer resources and stable customer base.   Most customers are world's leading retail enterprises. 

                    In the future, Shuangai furniture will continue to focus on the development and manufacture of steel-wood office furniture, and in the product strategy, focuses on the high-end lifting table products. Combined with market demand, we will be adhering to our business philosophy "Love Home ? Love Life", to provide global users with quality products and services.

                    Copyright ? Changzhou Shi Shuangai Furniture Co., Ltd., 蘇ICP備06038630號 Legalnotice Design By: EastNet [Manage]
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